Monday, March 8, 2010

2 Big Announcements

I am currently working on the second edition of the ebook, which should come out in a couple weeks (it will mainly be a simplifying of the instructions, some other tweaks, etc). If you consider yourself "tech savvy" the second edition probably won't help much, most of it is just more in-depth explanation and some new cleaned up video tutorials. Everything within the system will work exactly the same still. Don't worry, EVERYONE who owns version 1 will get a FREE UPGRADE. At that time the "introductory special" will end and the price will be back to $79.99, so BUY NOW if you haven't yet so you can get the free upgrade and save $20.

Also, I am putting the finishing touches on an Appraisal Management Company List that I will be offering here as well.  If we have all learned an important lesson over the past few months, it is that having all of our eggs in one basket can be a tough, tough way to go. Lendervend is, by far, the best AMC out there (if you know of a better one PLEASE let me know), but when Lendervend goes "slow" for a while, we need to have a backup plan.  I am compiling a list of all of the Appraisal Management Companies, and direct lenders, that I have been able to find. It will come as a PDF, for printing, and also an Excel spreadsheet, so you can add/delete/edit as you need to. We all know that these "fly by night" AMC's come and go, so I wanted a format that can be changed as companies go out of business, open up shop, or change contact info. The list should be available within the next few days.

Hope all is well, and let's make it a great March.

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