Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Still working on a fix

Just thought I would check in and let everyone know that I am working on a fix for the new website. It is actually more than a fix, it is a whole new system.  I will keep in touch as it progresses, but in the meantime, just keep checking the site by hand.

As a side note, I have started a new "non-Lendervend exclusive" blog.  A place where i can talk about more general appraising and business issues etc. If you are interested, it is located at charliebowens.blogspot.com.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Order System on the Lendervend site is LIVE

Lendervend has implemented their new order system, where you have to hand enter the "captcha" phrase. I will be working on a fix this weekend and hopefully will get something that works, but in the meantime do not use your automatic order grabbing systems. Turn them off ASAP and check Lendervend by hand until I can get a fix together. I have a few ideas and am working with some computer geniuses to hopefully get something that works.

Maybe this weekend would be a great time to get working on applying to some new AMC's, something to fill the void until Lendervend picks up more in your area.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Lendervend Security Features

I am sure you have all seen the email by now explaining Lendervend's new "security features".  These are not yet live, so continue to use the system as before.  Once they push these new features out, we will start working on a fix. I have a couple theories about their new system, and if they are correct, it could actually make the system work better than before.  I pulled the purchase link down for the time being, and once I come up with a fix for the new security features I will put it back up.  You are all the best, and let's keep at it.

Pulling the ebook down for now

It looks like Lendervend is instituting a new policy where you can only refresh 5 times a minute and have to enter an alphanumeric code each time. Do they want their appraisers to be able to finish appraisal? Any way, I am pulling down the ebook until I can get a better handle on what this will actually mean and we can build a fix. It hasn't been implemented yet, so keep running the system until they update their site. In the meantime, check out my AMC List for a list of other potential clients. This attempt to "level the playing field" as they say will only benefit the appraisers that can afford someone on staff to watch the site, but we'll see how it plays out.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AMC and Lender List

Good afternoon everyone.  I finally finished my AMC/Lender List and thought I would offer it to you all.  It contains over 300 Appraisal Management Companies and 100 "Direct Lenders".  It is in no way a complete list of AMC's, that would be impossible given the churn rate of the "fly by night"-ers. We have ALL dealt with them, and you can usually tell the ones that are the next to go by how they treat their appraisers.  Why is it that the worse they treat the appraisers, the ones actually MAKING them money, the faster they are out of business?  It's not that difficult to see, but they just don't seem to get it.

If we have all learned an important lesson over the past few months, it is that having all of our eggs in one basket can be a tough, tough way to go. Lendervend is, by far, the best AMC out there (if you know of a better one PLEASE let me know), but when Lendervend goes "slow" for a while, we need to have a backup plan.

On a brighter note, there are a lot of good AMC's out there (the diamonds in the rough, as they say), but it becomes a matter of tracking them down. My list will at least give you a starting point, a list that you can go down and start applying for appraiser panels and weeding out the bad ones from the good. With as many companies as there are here, if only 5% worked out for you, that would be over 20 new clients, and that is at only 5%. Imagine if 10% work out?

Buy my list now, and start adding new clients to your roster. Even 1 new order pays for the list multiple times, and after you prove that you are one of the best appraisers in your area on that first one, the orders will start rolling in.

Monday, March 8, 2010

2 Big Announcements

I am currently working on the second edition of the ebook, which should come out in a couple weeks (it will mainly be a simplifying of the instructions, some other tweaks, etc). If you consider yourself "tech savvy" the second edition probably won't help much, most of it is just more in-depth explanation and some new cleaned up video tutorials. Everything within the system will work exactly the same still. Don't worry, EVERYONE who owns version 1 will get a FREE UPGRADE. At that time the "introductory special" will end and the price will be back to $79.99, so BUY NOW if you haven't yet so you can get the free upgrade and save $20.

Also, I am putting the finishing touches on an Appraisal Management Company List that I will be offering here as well.  If we have all learned an important lesson over the past few months, it is that having all of our eggs in one basket can be a tough, tough way to go. Lendervend is, by far, the best AMC out there (if you know of a better one PLEASE let me know), but when Lendervend goes "slow" for a while, we need to have a backup plan.  I am compiling a list of all of the Appraisal Management Companies, and direct lenders, that I have been able to find. It will come as a PDF, for printing, and also an Excel spreadsheet, so you can add/delete/edit as you need to. We all know that these "fly by night" AMC's come and go, so I wanted a format that can be changed as companies go out of business, open up shop, or change contact info. The list should be available within the next few days.

Hope all is well, and let's make it a great March.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Fix Has Been Sent Out

The fix has been emailed to everyone. If you did not receive it let me know. Make sure you email me from the same email address you used when you purchased the ebook, so I can verify that you are a current customer.

The Fix Is In

Since Lendervend changed their website last week, the system has not been functioning properly.  I have written and tested a fix and it will be sent out to everyone this afternoon. Thank you so much for your patience, and let me know if there are any issues with the new fix.